Schuster | | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Uber die erhaltenen Portrats der griechischen Philosophen | 314782 |
Schutzenberger | | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Les fermentations | 314783 |
Agassiz | | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | North American starfishes | 314784 |
Willkomm | | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Supplementum prodromi florae hispanicae: sive, Enumeratio el’ descriptio omnium plantarum inde ab anno 1862 usque ad annum 1893 in Hispania detectarum quae innotuerunt auctori, adjectis locis novis specierum jam notarum | 315028 |
Zimmermann | | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Beitrage zur Morphologie und Physiologie der Pflanzenzelle | 315029 |
Bramer | | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Das Versicherungswesen | 315030 |
Grassmann | | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Die Ausdehnungslehre von 1844 und die geometrische Analyse. p 1894 | 315031 |
Heim | | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Lehrbuch der Bakteriologie mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der bakteriologischen Untersuchung und Diagnostik | 315032 |
| | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | L’Annuaire des Journaux, revues et publications periodiques publies а Paris jusqu’en … 1893 | 315033 |
Mayr | | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Lehrbuch der Handelsgeschichte auf Grundlage der Wirtschafts- und Socialgeschichte; M. e. bibliogr. Anh. | 315034 |
Schreiber | | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Die hellenistischen Reliefbilder... | 315035 |
Wilentschik | | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Uber die Auswanderung farbloser Blutkorperchen unter dem Einfluss pharmakologischer Agentien: Inaug.-Dis | 315036 |
Bernstein | | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Die Geschichte des Sozialismus in Einzeldarstellungen | 315037 |
Ciz | | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | La loi fondamentale de la vie: discours: [Dorpat, Univ., Programm, 1894] | 315038 |
Engler; Prantl | | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Die naturlichen Pflanzenfamilien: nebst ihren Gattungen und wichtigeren Arten insbesondere den Nutzpflanzen / unter Mitwirkung zahlreicher hervorragender Fachgelehrten: Elaeocarpaceae, Tiliaceae, Malvaceae, Bombaceae, Sterculiaceace / Dilleniaceae / Caryocaraceae (rhizoboleae), Marcgraviaceae / Quiinaceae / Chlaenaceae / Theaceae (Ternstroemiacee) / Stachyuraceae / Guttiferae / Dipterocarpaceae / Ancistrocladaceae / Elastinaceae, Frankensiceae, Tamaricaceae / Cistaceae / Bixaceae, Winteranaceae (Canallaceae) Koeberliniaceae / Violaceae / Flacourtiaceae / Turneraceae / Malesherbiaceae, Passifloraceae / Cariaceae / Loasaceae / Begoniaceae, Datiscaceae / Cartaceae / Geissolomaceae, Penaeaceae, Oliniaceae, Thymelaeaceae, Elaeagnaceae / K. Schumann / E. Gilg / O. W. Focke / Ing. v. Szyszylowisz / R. Keller / F. Niedenzu / K. Reiche / O. Warburg / P. Taubert | 315039 |
Meurman | | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Venalais-Suomalainen Sanakirja | 315040 |
| | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Monuments et memoires publies par l’Academie des inscriptions et belles-lettres, sous lа direction de Georges Perrot et Robert de Lasteyrie... | 315041 |
Schildt | | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Die Giebelgruppen von Aegina: Archaeologische Inaug.-Dis., etc | 315042 |
| | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung | 315043 |
| | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Journal-Revue: Inhaltsangabe d. in Deutschland u. d. Sprachgebieten d. Auslands erscheinenden Zeitschr. | 315044 |
Sydow; Busch | | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Civilprozessordnung mit Einfuhrungsgesetzen, Nebengesetzen u. Erganzungen: In der Fassung des Gesetzes v. 17. Mai 1898; Unter bes. Berucks. d. Entscheidungen d. Reichsgerichts | 315047 |
Alge | | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Leitfaden fur den ersten Unterricht im Deutschen... Zum Gebrauche fur Schuler aller nationalitaten, von S. Alge, S. Hamburger und W. Rippmann | 315048 |
Voelkel; Thomas | | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Taschenworterbuch der Aussprache geographischer und historischer Namen fur das allgemeine Bildungsbedurfnis | 315049 |
Grassmann | | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Die Ausdehnungslehre von 1862 | 315050 |
Mayer | | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Systematisches Handbuch der deutschen Rechtswissenschaft | 315051 |
| | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Mittheilungen des Kaiserlich Deutschen Archaeologischen Institutes, Athenische Abteilung. | 315052 |
Rudolph | | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Bericht uber die vulcanischen Ereignisse wahrend des Jahres 1894 | 315053 |
Schulten | | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Die romischen Grundherrschaften: eine agrarhistorische Untersuchung | 315054 |
Stefancescu | | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Etudes sur les terrains tertiaires de la Roumanie: contribution а l’etude des faunes sarmatique, pontique et levantine | 315055 |
Wagner | | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Lehr- und Handbuch der politischen Oekonomie in einzelnen selbstandigen Abtheilungen | 315056 |
Wahl | | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Qvomodo monstra marina artifices Graeci finxerint capita selecta..: Inaug.-Dis… Bonn. Phil. Fak. | 315057 |
Amira | | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Grundriss des germanischen Rechts | 315058 |
| | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Bibliographia Zoologica, diario «Zoologischer Anzeiger» adnexa... | 315059 |
Bourgeois | | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Solidarite | 315060 |
| | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Familienrecht | 315061 |
Frankenstein; Heckel | | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Hand- und Lehrbuch der Staatswissenschaften: in selbstandigen Banden | 315062 |
Lejeune-Dirichlet | | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | G. Lejeune Dirichlet’s Werke | 315063 |
Lorenz | | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Catalogue general de la Librairie francaise | 315064 |
| | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Monumenti antichi pubblicati per cura della Reale Accademia dei Lincei | 315065 |
Marschall | | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state universityarea research library | | | | Bilder Atlas zur Zoologie der Vogel. Mit 238 Holzschnitten nach Zeichnungen von G. Mutzel, Fr. Specht, Rob. Kretschmer, W. Kuhnert, L. Beckmann, Ch. Kroner u. a. Beschreibender Text von Prof. Dr. William Marschall | 315073 |
Poggendorff | | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Poggendorff’s Biographisch-literarisches Handworterbuch: zur Geschichte der exacten Wissenschaften; enthaltend Nachweisungen uber Lebensverhaltnisse und Leistungen: von Mathematikern, Astronomen, Physikern, Chemikern, Mineralogen, Geologen, Geographen usw.: aller Volker und Zeiten | 315074 |
| | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Protokolle der Kommission fur die zweite Lesung des Entwurfs des burgerlichen Gesetzbuchs... | 315075 |
Robert | | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Kentaurenkampf und Tragoedienscene: zwei Marmorbilder aus Herculaneum; nebst einem Excurs uber das Heraklesbild in Casa del Centenario | 315076 |
| | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Erbrecht | 315077 |
Gurlitt | | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Die deutsche Kunst des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts. Ihre Ziele und Thaten... Mit vierzig Vollbildern | 315078 |
Jablonski; Leibniz | | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Neue Beitrage zum Briefwechsel zwischen D. E. Jablonsky und G. W. Leibniz | 315079 |
Klussmann | | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Systematisches Verzeichnis der Abhandlungen, welche in den Schulschriften sammtlicher an dem Programmaustausch theilnehmenden Lehranstalten erschienen sind | 315080 |
Lutzau | | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Funf Fragen aus dem Provincialrecht | 315081 |
| | 2 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Procope de Cesaree. A??????a = Procopii Caesariensis Anecdota quae dicuntur | 315082 |
Pustoroslev | | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Criminalite et imputabilite | 315083 |
Robert | | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Der Mude Silen: Marmorbild aus Herculanum; nebst einem Excurs uber den Ostfries des sog. Theseions | 315084 |
Jellinek | | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Allgemeine Staatslehre | 315085 |
Kleen | | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Lois et usages de la neutralite, d’apres le droit international conventionnel et coutumier des etats civilises, par Richard Kleen | 315086 |
Urlichs | | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Verzeichniss der Antikensammlung der Universitat Wurzburg: Einladungsschrift | 315087 |
| | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Korrespondenzblatt der Westdeutschen Zeitschrift fur Geschichte und Kunst. Zugleich Organ der historisch-antiquarischen Vereine zu Birkenfeld, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt a. M., Karlsruhe, Mainz, Mannheim, Metz, Neuss, Prum, Speyer, Strassburg, Trier, Worms, sowie des anthropologischen Vereins zu Stuttgart | 315088 |
Loning; Elster; Conrad; Lexis | | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Handworterbuch der Staatswissenschaften, herausgegeben von Dr. J. Conrad,.. Dr. L. Elster,.. Dr. W. Lexis,.. Dr. Edg. Loening,.: [8 Bd.] | 315089 |
Sturm | | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Revision der gemeinrechtlichen Lehre vom Gewohnheitsrecht unter Berucks. d. neuen deutschen Reichsrechts von Dr. August Sturm, Rechtsanw. zu Naumburg a. S | 315091 |
Suess | | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | La Face de la terre («das Antlitz der Erde») | 315092 |
Gerland | | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Beitrage zur Geophysik: Abhandlungen aus dem geographischen Seminar der Universitat Strassburg | 315093 |
Oettingen | | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Meteorologische Beobachtungen angestellt in Dorpat (Br. 58022’47», 1, L. 24023’14»=1h 37’33» ostl. v. Paris) im Jahre… | 315094 |
Matz | | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Sui sarcofaghi con rappresentanze delle dodici fatiche di Ercole: Memoria | 315095 |
Milde | | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Monographia botrychiorum | 315096 |
Weihrauch | | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Neue Untersuchungen uber die Bessel’sche Formel und deren Verwendung in der Meteorologie. (Fortsetzung der Neuen Untersuchungen, etc.) | 315097 |
Neilreich | | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Flora von Nieder-Oesterreich: Eine Aufzahlung und Beschreibung der im Erzherzogthume Oesterreich unter der Enns wild wachsenden oder im Grossen gebauten Gefabpflanzen, nebst einer pflanzengeografischen Schilderung dieses Landes | 315098 |
| | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Bollettino dei Musei di zoologia ed anatomia comparata della R. Universita di Torino | 315099 |
Wagner | | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Theorie und Praxis der Gewerbe: Hand- und Lehrbuch der Technologie | 315100 |
Middendorff | | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Reise in den aussersten Norden und Osten Sibiriens wahrend der Jahre 1843 und 1844: mit allerhochster Genehmigung auf Veranstaltung der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu St. Petersburg ausgefuhrt und in Verbindung mit vielen Gelehrten | 315101 |
Oettingen | | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Meteorologische Beobachtungen angestellt in Dorpat (Br. 58022’47», 1, L. 24023’14»=1h 37’33» ostl. v. Paris) im Jahre… | 315102 |
Taschenberg | | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Praktische Insekten-Kunde, oder, Naturgeschichte aller derjenigen Insekten, mit welchen wir in Deutschland nach den bisherigen Erfahrungen in nahere Beruhrung kommen konnen, nebst Angabe der Bekampfungsmittel gegen die schadlichen unter ihnen | 315103 |
| | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | The Journal of Hellenic Studies | 315104 |
Taschenberg | | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Praktische Insekten-Kunde, oder, Naturgeschichte aller derjenigen Insekten, mit welchen wir in Deutschland nach den bisherigen Erfahrungen in nahere Beruhrung kommen konnen, nebst Angabe der Bekampfungsmittel gegen die schadlichen unter ihnen | 315105 |
Taschenberg | | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Praktische Insekten-Kunde, oder, Naturgeschichte aller derjenigen Insekten, mit welchen wir in Deutschland nach den bisherigen Erfahrungen in nahere Beruhrung kommen konnen, nebst Angabe der Bekampfungsmittel gegen die schadlichen unter ihnen | 315106 |
Taschenberg | | 1 | Voronezh | Voronezh region | Ancient books, the editions which are of special interest (historical, art, scientific and literary), separately or in collections | Art values, including: | Foreign editions of the 19th century (after 1830) | Rare books | Voronezh state university area research library | | | | Praktische Insekten-Kunde, oder, Naturgeschichte aller derjenigen Insekten, mit welchen wir in Deutschland nach den bisherigen Erfahrungen in nahere Beruhrung kommen konnen, nebst Angabe der Bekampfungsmittel gegen die schadlichen unter ihnen | 315107 |
| | 1 | Россия | Новгород Великий | Старинные книги; издания, представляющие особый интерес (исторический, художественный, научный и литературный), отдельно или в коллекциях | Художественные ценности, в том числе: | Издания кирилловского шрифта XVIII в.-1830 г. | Книги | Библиотеки Новгорода Великого | Издание не отражено ни в одном библиографическом указателе | [1792] год | Б. м. | Минея служебная | 91207 |
| 372 л. | 1 | Россия | Новгород Великий | Старинные книги; издания, представляющие особый интерес (исторический, художественный, научный и литературный), отдельно или в коллекциях | Художественные ценности, в том числе: | Издания кирилловского шрифта XVIII в.-1830 г. | Книги | Библиотеки Новгорода Великого | | 1776 год | М. | Минея служебная | 91208 |
| | 1 | Россия | Новгород Великий | Старинные книги; издания, представляющие особый интерес (исторический, художественный, научный и литературный), отдельно или в коллекциях | Художественные ценности, в том числе: | Издания кирилловского шрифта XVIII в.-1830 г. | Книги | Библиотеки Новгорода Великого | | 1771 год | М. | Минеи служебные | 91209 |
| | 1 | Россия | Новгород Великий | Старинные книги; издания, представляющие особый интерес (исторический, художественный, научный и литературный), отдельно или в коллекциях | Художественные ценности, в том числе: | Издания кирилловского шрифта XVIII в.-1830 г. | Книги | Библиотеки Новгорода Великого | | 1799 год | М. | Минея служебная | 91210 |
| 340 л. | 1 | Россия | Новгород Великий | Старинные книги; издания, представляющие особый интерес (исторический, художественный, научный и литературный), отдельно или в коллекциях | Художественные ценности, в том числе: | Издания кирилловского шрифта XVIII в.-1830 г. | Книги | Библиотеки Новгорода Великого | | 1793 год | М. | Минея служебная | 91211 |
| 329 л. | 1 | Россия | Новгород Великий | Старинные книги; издания, представляющие особый интерес (исторический, художественный, научный и литературный), отдельно или в коллекциях | Художественные ценности, в том числе: | Издания кирилловского шрифта XVIII в.-1830 г. | Книги | Библиотеки Новгорода Великого | | 1793 год | М. | Минея служебная | 91212 |
| | 1 | Россия | Новгород Великий | Старинные книги; издания, представляющие особый интерес (исторический, художественный, научный и литературный), отдельно или в коллекциях | Художественные ценности, в том числе: | Издания кирилловского шрифта XVIII в.-1830 г. | Книги | Библиотеки Новгорода Великого | | 1771 год | М. | Минеи служебные | 91213 |
| 201 л. | 1 | Россия | Новгород Великий | Старинные книги; издания, представляющие особый интерес (исторический, художественный, научный и литературный), отдельно или в коллекциях | Художественные ценности, в том числе: | Издания кирилловского шрифта XVIII в.-1830 г. | Книги | Библиотеки Новгорода Великого | | 1750 год | М. | Минея служебная | 91214 |
| | 1 | Россия | Новгород Великий | Старинные книги; издания, представляющие особый интерес (исторический, художественный, научный и литературный), отдельно или в коллекциях | Художественные ценности, в том числе: | Издания кирилловского шрифта XVIII в.-1830 г. | Книги | Библиотеки Новгорода Великого | | 1741 год | М. | Минеи служебные | 91215 |
| | 1 | Россия | Новгород Великий | Старинные книги; издания, представляющие особый интерес (исторический, художественный, научный и литературный), отдельно или в коллекциях | Художественные ценности, в том числе: | Издания кирилловского шрифта XVIII в.-1830 г. | Книги | Библиотеки Новгорода Великого | | 1741 год | М. | Минеи служебные | 91216 |
| 291 л. | 1 | Россия | Новгород Великий | Старинные книги; издания, представляющие особый интерес (исторический, художественный, научный и литературный), отдельно или в коллекциях | Художественные ценности, в том числе: | Издания кирилловского шрифта XVIII в.-1830 г. | Книги | Библиотеки Новгорода Великого | | 1768 год | М. | Минея служебная | 91217 |
| | 1 | Россия | Новгород Великий | Старинные книги; издания, представляющие особый интерес (исторический, художественный, научный и литературный), отдельно или в коллекциях | Художественные ценности, в том числе: | Издания кирилловского шрифта XVIII в.-1830 г. | Книги | Библиотеки Новгорода Великого | | 1754 год | М. | Минеи служебные | 91218 |
| | 1 | Россия | Новгород Великий | Старинные книги; издания, представляющие особый интерес (исторический, художественный, научный и литературный), отдельно или в коллекциях | Художественные ценности, в том числе: | Издания кирилловского шрифта XVIII в.-1830 г. | Книги | Библиотеки Новгорода Великого | | 1754 год | М. | Минеи служебные | 91219 |
| | 1 | Россия | Новгород Великий | Старинные книги; издания, представляющие особый интерес (исторический, художественный, научный и литературный), отдельно или в коллекциях | Художественные ценности, в том числе: | Издания кирилловского шрифта XVIII в.-1830 г. | Книги | Библиотеки Новгорода Великого | Издание не отражено ни в одном библиографическом указателе | [1800] год | Б. м. | Минея служебная | 91220 |
| | 1 | Россия | Новгород Великий | Старинные книги; издания, представляющие особый интерес (исторический, художественный, научный и литературный), отдельно или в коллекциях | Художественные ценности, в том числе: | Отечественные издания XIX в. (после 1830 г.) | Книги | Библиотеки Новгорода Великого | Издание не отражено ни в одном библиографическом указателе | [1858] год | Б. м. | Минея служебная | 91221 |
| | 1 | Россия | Новгород Великий | Старинные книги; издания, представляющие особый интерес (исторический, художественный, научный и литературный), отдельно или в коллекциях | Художественные ценности, в том числе: | Отечественные издания XIX в. (после 1830 г.) | Книги | Библиотеки Новгорода Великого | Издание не отражено ни в одном библиографическом указателе | [1854] год | Б. м. | Минея служебная | 91222 |
| | 1 | Россия | Новгород Великий | Старинные книги; издания, представляющие особый интерес (исторический, художественный, научный и литературный), отдельно или в коллекциях | Художественные ценности, в том числе: | Отечественные издания XIX в. (после 1830 г.) | Книги | Библиотеки Новгорода Великого | Издание не отражено ни в одном библиографическом указателе | [1845] год | Б. м. | Минея служебная | 91223 |
| | 1 | Россия | Новгород Великий | Старинные книги; издания, представляющие особый интерес (исторический, художественный, научный и литературный), отдельно или в коллекциях | Художественные ценности, в том числе: | Отечественные издания XIX в. (после 1830 г.) | Книги | Библиотеки Новгорода Великого | | 1868 год | М. | Минея служебная | 91224 |
| | 1 | Россия | Новгород Великий | Старинные книги; издания, представляющие особый интерес (исторический, художественный, научный и литературный), отдельно или в коллекциях | Художественные ценности, в том числе: | Отечественные издания XIX в. (после 1830 г.) | Книги | Библиотеки Новгорода Великого | | 1868 год | М. | Минея служебная | 91225 |
| | 1 | Россия | Новгород Великий | Старинные книги; издания, представляющие особый интерес (исторический, художественный, научный и литературный), отдельно или в коллекциях | Художественные ценности, в том числе: | Отечественные издания XIX в. (после 1830 г.) | Книги | Библиотеки Новгорода Великого | | 1868 год | М. | Минея служебная | 91226 |
| | 1 | Россия | Новгород Великий | Старинные книги; издания, представляющие особый интерес (исторический, художественный, научный и литературный), отдельно или в коллекциях | Художественные ценности, в том числе: | Издания кирилловского шрифта XVIII в.-1830 г. | Книги | Библиотеки Новгорода Великого | | 1824 год | М. | Минеи служебные | 91227 |
| | 1 | Россия | Новгород Великий | Старинные книги; издания, представляющие особый интерес (исторический, художественный, научный и литературный), отдельно или в коллекциях | Художественные ценности, в том числе: | Издания кирилловского шрифта XVIII в.-1830 г. | Книги | Библиотеки Новгорода Великого | | [1811] год | Б. м. | Минея служебная | 91228 |
| | 1 | Россия | Новгород Великий | Старинные книги; издания, представляющие особый интерес (исторический, художественный, научный и литературный), отдельно или в коллекциях | Художественные ценности, в том числе: | Издания кирилловского шрифта XVIII в.-1830 г. | Книги | Библиотеки Новгорода Великого | | [1811] год | Б. м. | Минея служебная | 91229 |
| | 1 | Россия | Новгород Великий | Старинные книги; издания, представляющие особый интерес (исторический, художественный, научный и литературный), отдельно или в коллекциях | Художественные ценности, в том числе: | Издания кирилловского шрифта XVIII в.-1830 г. | Книги | Библиотеки Новгорода Великого | | [1811] год | Б. м. | Минея служебная | 91230 |
| | 1 | Россия | Новгород Великий | Старинные книги; издания, представляющие особый интерес (исторический, художественный, научный и литературный), отдельно или в коллекциях | Художественные ценности, в том числе: | Издания кирилловского шрифта XVIII в.-1830 г. | Книги | Библиотеки Новгорода Великого | Издание не отражено ни в одном библиографическом указателе | [1820] год | Б. м. | Минея служебная | 91231 |
| | 1 | Россия | Новгород Великий | Старинные книги; издания, представляющие особый интерес (исторический, художественный, научный и литературный), отдельно или в коллекциях | Художественные ценности, в том числе: | Издания кирилловского шрифта XVIII в.-1830 г. | Книги | Библиотеки Новгорода Великого | Издание не отражено ни в одном библиографическом указателе | [1817] год | Б. м. | Минея служебная | 91232 |
| | 1 | Россия | Новгород Великий | Старинные книги; издания, представляющие особый интерес (исторический, художественный, научный и литературный), отдельно или в коллекциях | Художественные ценности, в том числе: | Недатированные издания | Книги | Библиотеки Новгорода Великого | | Б. г. | Б. м. | Евангелие | 91233 |